The Songs of 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989
You might remember last year1 when the Hood Internet released a series of videos mashing up the top songs of 1979-1983. Over the next few weeks, they’re going to finish up the 80s. The video from 1984 is up first:
As previously noted, 1984 was perhaps mass pop culture’s high tide, a great year for music, and the most 80s year of the 1980s.
Update: Here are the videos for 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, & 1989.
Update: Steve Reidell and Aaron Brink of The Hood Internet talk about how they do these year-by-year mixes.
Oftentimes we’ll have an idea of where we want to start and where we want to end, and the work is figuring out how to get from one place to another. We’re changing song speeds and tempos to match and pulling in individual instrumental or vocal tracks if we can find them. Sometimes the thing that matches is a musical similarity and sometimes it’s lyrical. In the 1981 video, there’s a section where we string together Rick Springfield singing “Jessie’s Girl” and Rick James singing “Superfreak” and made it sound kind of like a duet about the same girl. Dropping that on top of Vangelis’ theme to Chariots Of Fire just ups the intensity and the absurdity of it all.
Update: They’ve released the entire 1979-1989 mix as a continuous mix on Soundcloud.
I know, I probably lost a bunch of you at “remember last year”. But I’m pressing on regardless.โฉ
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