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I dusted off my Vimeo account to post a test video in HD from the Kodak Zi6, the pocket-sized HD video camera (now shipping from Kodak).

Looking west down 42nd Street. Taken with the pocket-sized Kodak Zi-6 from Park Avenue, the part that’s elevated and goes around Grand Central. Music by Philip Glass from Koyaanisqatsi. It’s amazing how good Glass’ music is that some schlub can take a video of a busy Manhattan street using a pocket-sized camera and it comes out feeling like it’s a clip from the film. Leitmotif, anyone?

Came out looking pretty good. The major issue I have so far with the Zi6 is the lack of image stabilization…it’s pretty jittery, even with a steady hand. But it was $180 and it fits in my pocket so I can’t complain too much.